Apart from making his Bollywood debut in Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, Hrithik Roshan has collaborated with his father Rakesh Roshan in three other films, namely Koi Mil Gaya, Krrish 2 and Krrish 3. The duo is currently working together on Krrish 4, which is scheduled to release in 2020.
While Hrithik has followed his father’s footsteps in the early days of his career, but now it seems the father-son Jodi are having creative differences and Hrithik is not giving in to his father’s advice. Apparently, Guddu (Rakesh) and Duggu (Hrithik) are having a difference of opinion when it comes to casting and other nuances of Krrish 4.
“Hrithik has worked with his father in four films till date — Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, Koi Mil Gaya, Krrish 2 and Krrish 3. Now, he has certain ideas on how the script should flow and what kind of a cast he should be working with. But it’s obvious that Hrithik has metamorphosed into a good actor and has a better understanding of the medium with today’s cinema in place. He wants his director dad to make the film into an intelligent one, rather than spoon-feeding the audiences. There’s also differences between them about the casting, but it’s all in good spirit or on a creative level,” a source informed Deccan Chronicle.
Well, we hope the father-son duo get on the same page soon and we get to witness their wonderful collaboration once again.
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