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Saturday, July 06, 2019

Alert News: Trending On Twitter: #InstagramDown #FacebookDown

In what could be seen as a quite shocking trend, two hashtags are going wild on micro-blogging site Twitter at the moment. And they both are competitor sites of Twitter. Yes, the hashtags #InstagramDown and #FacebookDown are trending at No1 and No2 spots on Twitter right now.

Millions of Facebook and Instagram users, along with some WhatsApp users, are now complaining that there are some issues with downloading images and other media files. While on Instagram, some photos are not appearing, while Facebook posts are missing out the text and images. The issues are reported from countries like USA, India, Africa and parts of Europe.

While interfaces are working correctly, the issue is coming up with images and a Facebook spokesperson already clarified that they have noticed the issues and working on them currently to resolve the issues at the earliest. Before all that could happen, the hashtags are getting trended heavily on Twitter.


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