In the wake of the #MeToo movement, Bhushan Kumar’s Mogul (a biopic on his father Gulshan Kumar) had hit a roadblock. Aamir Khan, his co-producer, who was also set to act in the movie as the male lead, distanced himself from the project after allegations of sexual harassment against filmmaker Subhash Kapoor came to light. The Jolly LLB director was then ousted from the film. Even though the makers are yet to rope in a director to helm the project, they have zeroed in on one of the female leads.
On the lines of Sanju
Mogul will have three female characters. The source tells us, “It will depict the entire life of the music mogul. Sonakshi will play one of his girlfriends before marriage. The film is being designed on the lines of Sanju, where several A-list actors made small appearances. But among the three girls, Sona will have the most prominent part.” The movie is likely to go on floors by the end of this year and is scheduled for a Christmas 2019 release.
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