Naga Chaitanya and Chandoo Mondesi's Savyasachi's interesting premise might have garnered curiosity, however, a section of netizens, particularly from Tamil Nadu, are trolling the makers due to the film's similarities with Tamil movie Peechaankai (means Left Hand). Based on Alien Hand Syndrome, a rare left-hand syndrome.
However, Savyasachi is a bit different as the protagonist here has a rare twin syndrome where twins have the same body. While Savyasachi is totally laced with action, Peechaankai is a dark comedy film with humor taking the center stage. And the common point in both these films is Left Hand. That seems to have triggered the trollers. As the film is all set to hit the screens on Nov 2nd, let's see whether the film will clear the air and set the record straight or not.
Since Peechaankai was released in June 2017, naturally, many have their own doubts over the genesis of Savyasachi.
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