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Friday, November 23, 2018

AP Assembly Taller Than Statue Of Unity! What?

CM Chandrababu Naidu has proudly announced AP Assembly building to be constructed in Amaravati will be taller than Statue of Unity which stands at 182 meters. New Assembly building will be 68 meters taller than the World's Tallest Structure.

According to the TDP Government, AP Assembly will have Three Floors and a Tower spiraling 250 meters into the sky. Assembly Building will have two galleries (One at 80 meters accommodating 300 people, Other at 250 meters accommodating 20 people). UK-based Architecture Firm Norman Fosters submitted the final designs of the Assembly and Secretariat to the State Government on Thursday.

Unfortunately, Severe criticism of Modi's Statue of Unity hasn't deterred the TDP Government at all. It has come to the stage that the AP Chief Minister is trying to outdo what's been done in Gujarat. So much of public money is being spent on structures created for personal glory. Why don't the Rulers think sensible while spending Tax Payers money? Aren't they aware of the infants dying due to malnutrition everywhere in the country? 1/10th of the money spent on the structures could save many lives if it's used for underprivileged. When will Governments start offering more importance for lives of people than concrete structures?


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