There are stars, then there are superstars and then there's Shah Rukh Khan - arguably the only Bollywood actor who redefines 'superstardom' every time he entertains and interacts with his humongous army of fans. on Thursday, the actor was on a one-day tour of the Middle East for the inauguration of three showrooms of a jewelry brand at Dubai, Kuwait, and Doha (Qatar) respectively. From grooving to the beats of some of his iconic songs like Chaiyya Chaiyya and Gerua to serenading a few ladies from the crowd by calling them up on stage, Shah Rukh Khan once again.
proved why he's known as the Badshah of Bollywood.
A few videos from Shah Rukh's three-city tour in the Middle East have surfaced on social media and have gone viral. In Dubai, Shah Rukh grooved to the beats of Chaiyya Chaiyya song from Dil Se. Later on, he also shook a leg with one of his fans from the audience on the romantic track Gerua from Dilwale. He also danced to the beats of songs like Tukur Tukur from Dilwale and Lungi Dance from Chennai Express.
It was heartening to see the immense army of fans who had gathered at the three venues, just to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor. In one of the videos, Shah Rukh is also seen cautioning one of his fans, who probably got on top of a car to get a better look at the actor.
Not just dancing on his popular songs, Shah Rukh even treated his fans with their favorite dialogues from films like Raees and Don, on their demand.
proved why he's known as the Badshah of Bollywood.
A few videos from Shah Rukh's three-city tour in the Middle East have surfaced on social media and have gone viral. In Dubai, Shah Rukh grooved to the beats of Chaiyya Chaiyya song from Dil Se. Later on, he also shook a leg with one of his fans from the audience on the romantic track Gerua from Dilwale. He also danced to the beats of songs like Tukur Tukur from Dilwale and Lungi Dance from Chennai Express.
It was heartening to see the immense army of fans who had gathered at the three venues, just to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor. In one of the videos, Shah Rukh is also seen cautioning one of his fans, who probably got on top of a car to get a better look at the actor.
Not just dancing on his popular songs, Shah Rukh even treated his fans with their favorite dialogues from films like Raees and Don, on their demand.
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