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Friday, June 29, 2018

Alarming Sign - Rise In Suicides Of Techies!

A Woman Techie committed suicide by jumping from the 9th floor of Melange Tower in Madhapur on Thursday.

Sravani is an employee of Prime Era Medical Technologies. She seems to be suffering from depression since few days. A case of suspicious death was registered and the body has been shifted to Osmania Hospital for an autopsy.

The 27-Year-Old Techie hails from Chittoor District. She was living in Miyapur with her husband Ramakrishna Reddy and their son. Ramakrishna Reddy informed cops about Srivani's mental condition in the recent past. Family Members told the techie had even consulted Doctor to get better. 

Unfortunately, Younger Generation isn't able to handle the stress. A few days ago, A Woman committed suicide in Abids for not attaining good rank in NEET Exam. Many techies have ended their lives in the past few years as they were unable to handle the stress. Only Family Members could stop people from taking such extreme measures if they notice the abnormal behavior at the right time and offer counseling to come out of that bad phase.

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