With the announcement of Ram Gopal Varma, there are new rumors that mushroomed in Film Nagar, with the sole intention of slinging mud on Balayya's #NTR biopic. But the truth is far from what anyone could guess.
A birdie from the sets of #NTR Biopic being carved by Krish and Balayya tells us that there is no truth in this rumour. Because, the makers have already roped in a former heroine, actress Aamani to play the role of Lakshmi Parvathi in their movie. Especially that scene where she wrote poetry on NTR and flattered him will give goosebumps, the source said.
Frankly speaking, biopics are usually made to impress coming generations but not to spread negativity. So whether there is Lakshmi Parvathi's character is there or not, it is unethical to spread such gossips, isn't it?
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