Popular Bollywood music composer-singer Anu Malik, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women including Shweta Pandit and Sona Mohapatra, has stepped down as the judge of singing reality-show Indian Idol 10.
Sony Entertainment Television released a statement which reads, "Anu Malik is no longer a part of Indian Idol jury panel. The show will continue its planned schedule and we'll invite some of the greatest names in Indian music as guests in Indian Idol season 10."
Mr. Malik also confirmed his exit from the show. "I, Anu Malik, have decided to take a break from Indian Idol as I am currently unable to focus on my work, my music and the show," he told PinkVilla.
Anu Malik had been judging the show since its inception. In season 10, he was accompanied by Neha Kakkar and Vishal Dadlani on the jury panel.
Several women have come forward to accuse the singer-music composer of sexually harassing them at various instances but he has denied all the allegations.
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